Thursday, May 23, 2013

According To Dell iPad 2 Will Fail

So far, the iPad achieve success in a market where units sold out in no time. But in the eyes of an official of the Dell computer vendors, does not mean that Apples latest tablet PC will be successful in all segments. Especially in the business sector, he stated iPad 2 will reap failure.

The opinion was delivered by Andy Lark, Global Head of Marketing for Large Enterprises & Public Organisations Dell. Quoted from the Inquirer, Thursday (3/31/2011), he admitted iPad tablet has opened up markets but will be defeated Android.

Lark predict in the long term, open and affordable platform will win, instead of closed, proprietary and expensive. He stated that the iPad countless expensive if purchased in packages, for example along with the keyboard and case. Though there are cheaper alternatives.

Indeed, the iPad 2 price is quite affordable, from USD 499. Even the price is cheaper than most competitors. But indeed the specifications may be lost. Is iPad 2 would then fail in the enterprise sector, according to predictions Lark, still need to be awaited.
